Group Mat for Fitness Professionals
Group Mat for Fitness Professionals
Why Balanced Body Education?
Proven Pilates curriculum guided by movement science, rooted in the Pilates methodology, and adaptable to the needs of your members
Global network of 400+ Educators and over 30,000 trained Pilates instructors in an unparalleled peer network
Flexible modular system that provides students more time, options and learning opportunities
Backed by the leading Pilates equipment manufacturer with 25+ years servicing commercial fitness accounts worldwide

Why Balanced Body Education for Mat Reformer?
Balanced Body Education Platform including learning resources, video exercise review, programming, cueing tips and digital manuals
In-person experiential instruction exploring essential Pilates foundational exercises, exercise review, practice, and instruction
3-additional learning workshops taught either live online or on-demand that address the specific needs of your club
Detailed, full color manuals, streaming videos and equipment safety and maintenance guides

Course One
Movement Principles: The Essentials of Pilates
16 hours*
This experiential course introduces the essential building blocks of the Pilates methodology. Instructors gain awareness of their own movement patterns and biases and learn how to train movement to optimize the body in motion and the stage for successful Pilates classes and sessions. Includes in-person and on-demand learning.
No pre-requisites
*Hours 50% in-person and 50% on-demand.
Course Two
Pilates Mat for the Fitness Professional
16 hours
The Pilates exercise system was originally developed as a conditioning methodology designed to enhance fitness, general health, and movement quality. This course brings forward the original fitness intention of Pilates Mat and is designed with fitness professionals in mind. Learn how to utilize Pilates Mat exercises to create endless class programming which targets the diverse needs of your members. In this course we will review common modifications and variations necessary for teaching to groups and gives you the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’, empowering critical reasoning skills from the very start of your training.
- Mat and/or fitness training as ongoing personal practice
- Experience teaching movement/fitness, 2 to 5 years. Can be Group Instruction, personal training, Yoga etc.
Program Includes
- Access to our Balanced Body Education Platform which includes learning resources, video exercise review, programming sequences, cueing and coaching tips, digital manuals and more
- Movement Principles OnDemand – a 5-part OnDemand video series which includes overview of anatomy including bones and joints in specific relationship to movement
- In-person experiential instruction exploring essential Pilates foundational exercises, and Pilates Mat exercise review, practice and instruction.
- Detailed, full color manual and streaming video to enhance your learning experience
- Guidelines for teaching in the group environment
Requirements for Completion
Upon successful completion, students receive a Certificate of Completion from the associated club and powered by Balanced Body.
- Completing OnDemand Movement Principles video, includes quizzes
- Attending the following courses taught as in person learning
- Pilates Essentials – 8 instruction hours
- Pilates Mat for the Fitness Professional – 16 hours
- Practical test out
- Additional Practice, Observation and Teaching hours are required.
- Practice – 15 hours
- Observation – 10 hours
- Teaching – 20 hours
Disclosure: This program maps directly with our Professional Pilates Mat Certification. Upon successful completion of the program, instructors who seek the Balanced Body Mat Certification can do so by taking our Balanced Body Mat 3 course and completing the following:
- Additional practical hours (10 hours of personal practice, 5 hours of observation and 15 hours of teaching)
- Take the exam – written and practical