Trapeze & Towers

15 Items

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Allegro® 2 Reformer with Tower and Mat
Allegro Tower and Mat for customizable workout on the Allegro Reformer.
Rialto Tower and Mat Conversion product photo
Studio Reformer with Tower and Mat product photo
CenterLine Reformer with Tower and Mat setup.
Clinical Pilates Reformer
Trapeze Table - Cadillac product photo
Image showcasing the combination of a Pilates Reformer and Trapeze setup.
CenterLine Cadillac product photo
Balanced Body, Pilates Springboard
Allegro 2 Tower of Power Retrofit Kit for reformer upgrade.

Allegro® 2 Tower & Mat Retrofit Kit

Relish in a new universe of exercise possibilities with our Allegro 2 Tower & Mat Retrofit Kit. You will add almost all the Trapeze Table repertoire, with no additional space needed. Expanding your Pilates exercise options enables you and your clients to continuously progress!
Allegro Tower of Power Retrofit Kit for reformer upgrade.
Rialto Tower and Mat Conversion Retrofit Kit product photo
Tower & Mat Conversion Retrofit Kit
CenterLine Tower and Mat Retrofit Kit product photo

CenterLine® Tower and Mat Retrofit Kit

Created in collaboration with Amy Tayler Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel of The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO. This Tower & Mat Conversion Retrofit Kit will turn your Centerline Reformer into a full body workout system with more exercise options, on and off the Reformer.
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